Meppen, Northern Germany - Is this bamboo cage construction in a cooling tower a trampoline? If so, that could make it the biggest trampoline around.
At the beginning of the year, a team of three people
decided to make a massive trampoline effect from 42 bungee cords. The
bungee cord set up is enclosed in a cooling tower in Meppen, Germany.
The trampoline is set up with 400 M webbing and a 2 M bamboo icosahedron
in the center of the 89 M diameter tower.
The Yjumper Pro
team developed a prototype which uses a three point slackline bungee
cord / cage connection to provide a new kind of powerful trampoline.
They tested the prototype in the cooling tower without an audience to
experiment and test the flexibility, scalability and the mobility of the
new core invention.
The main idea behind the Yjumper is to climb inside the
icosahedron structure with the help of a simple rope ladder, an etrier
or a knotted rope. From there, one is able to create vertical bouncings
of the system in the amount of several meters by simple body centering
displacements inside the cage.
The Yjumper is a self-sufficient system, because the user
doesn’t need someone to lift them up with a rope, compared to the
typical bungee trampoline system. It goes without being said that you
could lift up a person inside the Yjumper cage with the help of a rope,
but you certainly don’t have to. With this technology, anyone can use
the system on his own without any spatial limitations.
The base anchor setup is influenced by the knowledge and
equipment used in highline and slackline systems. Due to the three point
anchor connections, a stable level is produced which halts the bamboo
cage from uncontrolled rotations while jumping. This system adaptability
allows the user to install the cage jumper between suitable trees,
poles, walls, rocks or in any comparable environment.
Curious to see exactly how this system works? Be sure to watch the project video:
Kids will soon be able to enjoy the icosahedron too. The
Yjumper team has developed an inside rope system for kids to climb
within and outside the bamboo icosahedron while swinging.
In the kids setup the standing plate will be removed and
the cage is not higher than 3 M for security reasons. More press
information about the kids setup will be released in the near future.
To learn more about the project, please contact: Office:
Frank Niehus
+49 591 90024851
Yjumper Pro: