The marketplace that specializes in shoes and sneakers is many. One of the latest, related to these two things has been launched. It is called Ownkicks. This is a place where everyone can search, find, buy or sell their shoes and sneakers, used or new.
One of the main problems that people have to deal with when they want to buy used or new shoe and sneakers is the risk of being scammed. This is a common case that happened these days. The worst of all, once buyers realize that the shoes or sneakers they bought were a fake product, or not like what they’ve expected, they may not be able to ask for a refund.
Ownkicks tries to solve that problem by providing a secure way to buy or sell shoes and sneakers online. Using the popular payment system, such as PayPal and Stripe, the transaction can be easily controlled, whenever problems occur. This company also has a team that can verify the authenticity of all major sneaker brands sold on the marketplace.
As a special marketplace for shoes and sneakers, Ownkicks also provides a certificate of authenticity when a purchase is made through the website. “Ownkicks is strongly against fraud and that is why we verified all sneakers listed on our online community” – Ownkicks founder, Lance Troh.
And, to keep the business running, this company doesn’t charge a monthly or weekly subscription fee. They only charge 7% of commission for every transaction that people made through this portal. The shoes and sneakers owner, basically, has so much freedom to sell their product on this website.
Ownkicks can be considered as a promising and innovative online community for shoes and sneaker transaction. They also have a wide selection of products from top brands, such as Jordan, Nike, Adidas and many more. It provides a good place where people can find the shoes and sneakers they need and even make a big find for rare and unique shoes from a specific brand.
About is an online community and a marketplace where people can buy and sell shoes and sneakers. This company was founded in November 2018 by Lance Troh who tries to solve the problem that most people get when they buy these products. Now, people can buy shoes and sneakers safely. For more information, please visit
For Media Inquiries
Lance Troh
Business Phone: 203-941-0470
Business Mailing is PO Box 162 Main St Seymour CT 06483
Twitter: @ownkicks
Instagram: @ownkicks1