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Showing posts with label Facial Harmonization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facial Harmonization. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Dr. Igor Ribeiro Presents The Best and Affordable Facial Harmonization and Dental Veneers in Fortaleza

Dr. igor ribeiro - Saturday, September 5, 2020.
Submitted by mediapress.

Dr. Igor Ribeiro has many years of experience in performing non-surgery facial rejuvenation, including Facial Harmonization and Dental Veneers. Dr. Igor Ribeiro is available to serve at Bill Rola Dental Laser Center in Fortaleza, Brazil.


As we get old, skin elasticity begins to decrease, especially around the eyes, cheeks, and jawline. Ultraviolet radiation and sunlight exposure also speed the natural aging process. It is also the cause of early wrinkling, dry & itching skin, and age spots. When it comes to facial rejuvenation and Harmonization, one of the reliable Dentists in Fortaleza (Dentista em Fortaleza), Dr. Igor Ribeiro is the premier destination. He presents a wide range of non-surgical procedures such as facelift to transform facial appearance to the next level. Dr. Igor Ribeiro specializes in facial Harmonization and Dental Veneers.


Facial Harmonization is one of the solutions for aging skin when people get older. Dr. Igor Ribeiro and his aesthetic clinic are adequate to carry out state-of-the-art Facial Harmonization in Fortaleza (HarmonizaĆ§Ć£o Facial em Fortaleza), utilizing sophisticated equipment for maximum results and as client expectation. Facial Harmonization is a safe procedure under local anesthesia to get a younger look by performing some procedures such as Lip fill (adding lip volume and around the lip), Mandibular filling, Malar Padding, Nasolabial filling, and Rhino-modeling. Moreover, they also used Botox (Botulinum toxin) injection to face lifting and soften the skin. 


Dr. Igor Ribeiro said, “Facial Harmonization gives our patients a more balanced and symmetrical face. With non-invasive treatment/under local anesthesia, our patients are felt more comfortable and increase their self-confidence.


Besides offering non-surgical face harmonization, Dr. Igor Ribeiro is also providing Dental Veneers in Fortaleza (Lente de Contato Dental em Fortaleza). As an experienced dentist surgeon in Fortaleza, he is able to transform/correct defects or stains on teeth. Dr. Igor Ribeiro utilized advanced technology, such as 3d printer and CAD/CAM software for faster and accurate results. Thus, patients can enjoy their smiles again better than before. 


About Dr. Igor Ribeiro 

Dr. Igor Ribeiro is one of the dentists in Bill Rola Dental Laser Center Fortaleza. He specializes in Facial Harmonization and Dental Veneers. Facial Harmonization is performed to get a more symmetrical and balanced face by several non-invasive treatment procedures. For the best result, the clinic also performs aesthetic procedures such as botox injection lip filling, rhino modeling, remove/reduce age spots and wrinkles, and many more. For more information or schedule an appointment with Dr. Igor Ribeiro, please visit or call (85) 9 8899-1112.
