Marie-Eva Volmar's life story has inspired orphans across the world. From struggling orphans in Haiti to becoming a successful Canadian tech entrepreneur. Her company, Dallada, aimed at helping to add to the facilities in Haiti's orphanages and build new schools and orphanages.
Marie-Eva Volmar is a Haitian-born entrepreneur who has made a name for herself outside of the country she was born in, thanks to her dedication and hard work. She started as an orphan in Haiti and became a successful tech entrepreneur in Canada with her innovative website builder platform, Webb24h. It is part of Dallada, a corporation specializing in everything from future-oriented services to plant-based foods. The site was launched with the goal of providing the highest quality website-building experience to users at an affordable price.
Webb24h is a website builder that aims to allow clients to create and launch their own websites. It is also designed to be user-friendly so that even people with little experience in using such software can use it easily. While other similar products can be quite expensive (especially when one has to pay for hosting and the site's design), Webb24h takes pride in being significantly cheaper than its competitors while still being very functional and versatile. It is a drag-and-drop website builder platform in which an entrepreneur can build their own website without any programming knowledge and experience. In addition, they can also easily customize it to fit their needs. This website builder is also allowed to choose different domain extensions (if they wish) and set up an email address that uses the domain name of their website. Currently, Webb24h already has 10,000 happy users worldwide.
"My life in Canada paved the way to fulfill my true potential, and I want to inspire other people globally to live out their dreams as well. As a leading female tech entrepreneur, it's important for me to show how someone who came from nothing can become successful without giving up on their dreams and without losing themselves along the way," said Marie-Eva Volmar.
Marie-Eva Volmar has had an interesting life. Her life story is one of the most inspiring rags-to-riches tales you'll ever hear. Growing up in an orphanage in Haiti, she was adopted by two Canadian parents when she was almost four years old. Marie-Eva Volmar's story is one of many examples of how the challenges we face early in life can turn us into stronger and more resilient people. Her experiences have not only helped make her a successful entrepreneur—but she has also helped her become a role model for business women everywhere. Her story has inspired orphans all over the world, from impoverished Haitian orphans to successful tech entrepreneurs. In addition, her company, Dallada Corporation, aimed to help to add to the facilities in the orphanages in Haiti and to build new schools and orphanages.
About Marie-Eva Volmar
Marie-Eva Volmar, CEO of Dallada Corporation, is one of the most successful executives in the industry. She was born in Saint-Michel-de l’Attalaye, a village in Haiti and moved, lost both of her parents and adopted by two Canadians. She's also planning on making an even bigger difference by creating new schools and orphanages through the Dallada Foundation. In addition, Volmar's mission is to design and build orphanages that would provide a child with a permanent home while preparing them for life as an adult by providing education, healthcare, nutrition, and social skills training. Today, the Dallada Corporation (which includes divisions specializing in software, hardware, plant-based foods, motors, and robotics) is known for its fast pace of innovation and high ethical standards. Additionally, the CEO, Marie-Eva Volmar, is dedicated to and supports social causes and promotes gender equality around the world, especially in the tech industry.
Marie-Eva Volmar
Dallada Corporation